
Welcome to the MDGOPer blog. The purpose of this site is to develop a heightened dialogue among central committee members across the state. For four years, the state party attempted to suppress the voice of local central committee members with a top down leadership style which failed completely in the 2006. Our former chairman often said, "The price of relevancy is discipline". Following horrendous results of the 2006 elections for Republicans at all levels, we may conclude safely that this mantra may not have been wholly accurate. Instead, if the state party had focused its priorities on keeping all politics local, we may have done a little better. Our goal is simple. Create a dialogue; learn from each other; keep our politics local; and win again in 2010. Let's get going!

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

A more bipartisan legislature...huh?

Today, the 423rd General Assembly convened. While many bloggers have delved deeply into what this means for Maryland taxpayers, we'll stay away from trying to draw anything meaningful from it.

However, I don't understand why Miller and Busch are talking about being bipartisan in this next session or any other. It's incredibly patronizing. They control both houses with super majorities and the government house. They don't have to be bipartisan, weren't bipartisan prior to 2002, weren't bipartisan while Ehrlich was governor, and won't be bipartisan in the future.

Maryland Democrats have become emboldened as a result of 2006, think that their agenda received a mandate from the voters, and will shove that agenda down all of our throats. Maryland Republicans must pay attention, not be lulled into the democratic deceit, and begin making plans to hold the Democrats accountable for what they do to our state.

We will do that with a strong grassroots and pinpointing Republican resources to the areas we have the greatest chance of winning in 2010.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hi I got your email,I could send an article your way...would you also be ever interested in crossposting here?

let me know..
