
Welcome to the MDGOPer blog. The purpose of this site is to develop a heightened dialogue among central committee members across the state. For four years, the state party attempted to suppress the voice of local central committee members with a top down leadership style which failed completely in the 2006. Our former chairman often said, "The price of relevancy is discipline". Following horrendous results of the 2006 elections for Republicans at all levels, we may conclude safely that this mantra may not have been wholly accurate. Instead, if the state party had focused its priorities on keeping all politics local, we may have done a little better. Our goal is simple. Create a dialogue; learn from each other; keep our politics local; and win again in 2010. Let's get going!

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

New Staff at MD GOP

Today the MD GOP announced its new staff to lead the party over the next four years. After reading the press release, one can see that the party is getting back to its Maryland roots by hiring Marylanders to fill important positions within the party.

For some time, there has been much debate within the party whether or not to hire out of state talent or rely on homegrown talent to move the party forward. Past Chairman John Kane clearly subscribed to the out of state philosophy and it looks like Chairman Jim will rely on the locals to run the party.

Following the disaster known as 2006, it may be a good thing.

Maybe not, we’ll see…

Does anybody know these new people?


Observer said...

Having worked with the people before Kane, during Kane and some of them now, I have to disagree with your perspective of the Kane people. I know Kane evoked many sharp feelings, but his people (particularly the last set he hired) were class act in response and helping. I can say this from my own dealings with all three sets in grassroots organizations.

mdgoper@gmail.com said...


thanks for your comments but I don't think I said the staff wasn't a class act. Just that they weren't homegrown MD talent.

And I don't think anybody can argue that 2006 wasn't a disaster.

Mike Netherland said...

I know some of "these people." They represent a refreshing breeze that the MDGOP will need make our way back from the brink.

Kane's people were, with all due respect, misguided. His director of Commuincations addressed our club to all but call for a rubberstamped Primary. The primary he said diverted precious funds away from The Candidate.

Kane and his minions had their feet permanently stuck in their mouths. They could not, it seemed, open their mouths without embarassing the party.

So the new leadership, while they could do no worse, have infact been busy setting the MDGOP back on track. We should expect big things from them and support them whenever we can. And if you think they are falling down, tell them so. Unlike Kane and Co., Pelura and Co. will listen and respond.